Sunday, February 2, 2014

My Testimony

I am an ordinary person who has been blessed in an extraordinary way. It is difficult for me to put into words how I feel and what I know, but I have felt and heard the whisperings of God none the less. I have received a personal witness of Jesus Christ; that he is my personal savior and redeemer. He has restored His kingdom and church here on the earth. His church has been restored with living Apostles and Prophets who hold the Priesthood power of God. I know God speaks to us not only through Prophets and Apostles but through additional scriptures. These are in addition to The Holy Bible; namely the Book of Mormon, The Doctrine and Covenants and The Pearl of Great Price. I have read these books. I have prayed to God to know if they are true.  I have received an answer that they are true.  He has preserved, protected and brought forth these additional scriptures to bless our families.  His priesthood power has been restored to the earth. The Mountain of the Lord's house has been established in the top of the mountains, and all nations are flowing unto it. I have been there. I have entered into the house of the Lord, and I have seen with my own eyes. I am privileged to be a part of His work and I seek to share what I know with you. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask me.

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